
  • @abhoria I get that too, only with having short legs I have even more trouble when I try to get a size to fit around the thighs. in reply to abhoria #
  • Wolverine is wickedcool. Though I think my mum got a bit confused about him not being dead so much. #
  • Bugger. Highly suspect I’m missing a whole CD rack somewhere – range late 90s – early 00s. May have too many CDs. Might be in the shed tho. #
  • @rachelgeorge Porkocalypse sounds like the ultimate bacon sarnie. in reply to rachelgeorge #

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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


@rachelgeorge to be fair, you could probably guess my email address in reply to rachelgeorge #
RT @chris24: Error message of the day: “false is not true.” #
@rachelgeorge ahahahaha no. not quite in reply to rachelgeorge #
@krazycat Tesco has some in turquoise, black and fuchsia for a fiver each. You can guess what […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm

they always said that you knew best

First, I <3 there being daylight at 8pm. It r0xx0rs bigtime.

So, today we visited the Mosquito Aircraft Museum. That also r0xx0rs. If we hadn’t gone there straight from the supermarket, where we got a leaflet about it, I might have brought my camera and taken pictures, but no. Lots of planes, including the awesomely bright yellow mosquito prototype. I believe it is the only kind of mosquito I actually like. ๐Ÿ˜€

Mum: “They sold one of those the other day didn’t they?”
Me: “What? A Mosquito?”
Mum: “Yes, they sold one.”
Me: “….uhh, wasn’t that a Spitfire?”
Mum: “They’re the same thing aren’t they?”
Me: “Um. No. Spitfires aren’t bombers. And they have different wing shapes. And they’re different sizes…”
Mum: “Well they sold one anyway.”

And that’s pretty much the extent of my WW2 aircraft geekery. My mum asked me later on what difference was between what a Mosquito would sound like and a Lancaster and all I could say was that it would “make louder vrrrrooom noises maybe?”.

I suspect you have to be at least vaguely interested in aviation and/or recent military history for that to be exciting though. It’s all intensely fascinating for me and my mum made a good go of it too.

Originally from her divine shadow on April 26, 2009, 12:16pm


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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


@rachelgeorge @JamesHunt And then donate them to the Rachie Benevolence Fund. in reply to rachelgeorge #
@rachelgeorge I used to live with someone like that! in reply to rachelgeorge #
Anyone know of a good way to get rid of fairy rings other than Jeyes Fluid? #
@krazycat Fairy Ring= one of ours […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


Cutting the grass = severe lamecore when the lawnmower is rubbish #
@spacepenguintim goats are too delicious to really last long in any grass cutting capacity round here in reply to spacepenguintim #
And this is where buying digital music fails when you want to sit outside with the stereo blaring out from the … รขโ„ขยซ […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on April 23, 2009, 8:45am

i’m out of my head and out of my self control

Ended up going to see Knowing as it was on at a better time than the other two films. Cunningly did not let my mum know that Slumdog Millionaire was still on. Muaahaha

Hilariously, the second I saw that picture from the Bible in the dead lady’s trailer thingy I figured out the entire rest of the film with it’s WACKY ALIEN ANGELS ETC BLAH BLAH BLAH. *shrug* I like the whole religious imagery thing and films tend to win points with me if they have a gratuitous Vatican shot. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyway. It was ok. Not great, but that’s not what I wanted out of a film. ๐Ÿ™‚

There was something else but I cannot remember.

Originally from her divine shadow on April 23, 2009, 11:59am