
@rachelgeorge No need to apologise. Unless of course, you don’t plan to be at least moderately entertaining. in reply to rachelgeorge #
RT @cleolinda: Ye Olde Robin Hood Spy Photos of the Sheriff’s Men in Battle: #
ok. time to look into buying Sims 2 #
New Maxïmo Park arrived this morning. It’s made of awesome. Now […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm

You are just another thing that I have yet to fathom

Robin Hoodie is actually good this season. Rather than soley cracktastic. Not that only being cracktastic is a bad thing, but it’s just nice to have interesting storylines, vaaaguely sensemaking plots and fabulousness. 😀

In other news, being dizzy and generally defective seems to be the order of the day. Hopefully it’ll get better quickly because it’s damn annoying.

Randomly, Babylon A.D. is kind of a rubbish film, but at least it’s better than the Dark Angel film I watched last week.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 23, 2009, 1:46pm


essay finished. we’ll see how it goes. and now, i shall attempt to be in bed before 1.20am. so far this week i have failed every night. #
#firstrecord Ben Folds Five “Whatever and ever amen” #
@shanucore @rachelgeorge paper underwear is surprisingly handy though in reply to shanucore #
@crispynoodles Malaysian airlines are wicked. And the food […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on May 22, 2009, 7:45am


  • bugger. yet again it is significantly after 1am and I have work later. #
  • @mrtonylee you’ll hate me then. the only reason i’m still awake is because i got distracted by Star Trek fic in reply to mrtonylee #
  • RT @ememess: Barmaids who say how little they drink are like slim chefs. I want a barmaid who’s hungover. And a fat chef. Commited people. #
  • I am far too easily distracted. Seriously. #

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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


  • so… they cancel Sarah Conner Chronicles just when the new Terminator film is about to come out? That is some serious sense making #
  • @shanucore the film looks awwwesome. or at least, better than the last one in reply to shanucore #
  • zomg Goonhilly on tv. I’VE BEEN THERE!!! #
  • when the blurb on the dvd case mentions an “alien intergalatic drug dealer” and also stars Dolph Lundgren, you just know it’ll be fab #

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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


@CLEAVERLAND Auugh how annoying. You would have thought one of them might have in reply to CLEAVERLAND #
@thehistoryguy So you’re taking extreme tweeting to a new level? in reply to thehistoryguy #
RT @mrtonylee: WOW. AWESOME mashup of Rick Astley (Never Gonna Give You Up) vs Nine Inch Nails (The Hand That Feeds) […]

Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm

another day is here and i am still alive

So last Saturday I went to see Star Trek and it was so awesome, I’ll be popping along to the cinema in about 20 minutes to see it again. 😀

For my birthday, I zipped off to Walsingham in Norfolk for the day and it was cool. Did the usual turning up at the Slipper Chapel bit before whizzing down to the Anglican Shrine. Had lunch at a restaurant called The Norfolk Riddle and zomg it was delicious. VVVV delicious. I heartily recommend it to all.

Then we pootled along to Wells-next-the-sea and actually made it down to the beach this time. It was very very windy. Very windy. Wind, if you recall, is the official weather of hate. At least it wasn’t sunny though. Hot and sunny would have been worse.

To round it off we had dinner at some seafood place in St Albans. That was delicious too. 😀

Yesterday, before the whole Eurovision extravaganza, we went to see Waiting for Godot. It was crackin’. 😀 Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellan are like… the greatest double act ever.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 17, 2009, 8:50am