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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm


  • I am so glad to be back in the country. hot sunny weather is VERY overrated. #
  • So what’s for dinner when you’ve been away for the weekend and can’t be bothered with shopping. Spam, sweetcorn and tinned spag bol it seems #
  • @cleolinda It’s doing it to vex you. in reply to cleolinda #
  • Catching up on Robin Hoodie from Saturday. Am less than a minute in and it’s already the best episode ever. #
  • @rachelgeorge I’ve never heard that joke either, but I can probably guess what it involves. in reply to rachelgeorge #

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Originally by herdivineshadow from tweet tweet on December 31, 1969, 3:59pm

My bookmarks for April 23rd through May 1st

These are my links for April 23rd through May 1st: