Daily Archives: November 22, 2009
Tweets for 2009-11-20
- RT @serafinowicz: RT @Glinner: Questions for Mandelson http://bit.ly/PWteL #warontheweb #stopMandy 18:41:31
- @warrenellis You and @tonylee in reply to warrenellis 18:43:56
- @silverturnsgrey Girl I work with went to see it just after midnight and apparently it is Amaaaaaazing. I think she's biased in reply to silverturnsgrey 18:47:46
- Since today is the New Moonalypse, here: Buffy vs Edward http://bit.ly/6qu6DC I <3 Buffy 18:50:05
- @sebpatrick technically though, don't most rail operators regard 10 mins late as "on time" in reply to sebpatrick 19:44:20
- omg Doctor Who 20:21:46
- @andydiggle Is it because you're technically "in" the building? in reply to andydiggle 22:08:21
- @rachelgeorge Best thing I have seen all week in reply to rachelgeorge 00:08:14
- RT rachelgeorge The internet – humankind's greatest triumph: http://www.catsforgold.com/ 00:08:43