- @zombiewes Heh yeah, the website fell over before the tickets went on sale, luckily I follow the guy who runs the RD website and got a RT in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes about emailing lost in tv about tickets. So I got tickets for 27th. I think you're super-unlucky in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Heh. I think my birthday was on Friday 13th this year. I only went for a later date so that it wouldn't be so dark for travelling in reply to zombiewes ->
- Reading about cheques being phased out by 2018 by banks in today's i newspaper. Cept they're not. Banks changed minds months ago ->
- @MarkDoesStuff You're going to be in the next season of Doctor Who? in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @petitmew Was just thinking about redyeing my hair! Going to go for purple. in reply to petitmew ->
- WAIT. Why is Kermit hosting this episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition? ->
- @petitmew I'm gonna do that the next time I bleach my head
in reply to petitmew ->
- @petitmew Apparently he is standing in for Ty in reply to petitmew ->
- @McKelvie You've not eaten it all yet? in reply to McKelvie ->
- You would think that the John Lewis ad kid could wrap better considering he had all that time. ->
- Just ate 2/3s of a can of custard. Might have been too much. Too full now bleeh ->
- For a few weeks now, I've seen posters up around town with "don't listen to something something fm" & I've been going "ok, I won't" ->
- Today I was in the town centre and saw what looks to be an event to do with a new radio station – the one from the posters. ->
- Suspect that the posters were their "mysterious" ad campaign. Except I'm not curious enough to actually listen to the new station ->
- The thing about Christmas pudding is setting fire to it ->
Link to the original site