- @wanderlustlover You know, I had ALMOST forgotten how much Guy wants to have Marian's babies. SLOW ftw
in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- just woke up from hilarious dream involving sean bean wearing lycra to discover i'm seeing jdb tonight. woo ->
- Excellent. I turn the radio on and @fthc is playing on @Xfm ->
- So, the rest of the morning will be taken up by my spur of the moment decision to go purple haired. ->
- Might take the bag off my hair tho, it's been 10 mins and it's seriously cooking. ->
- @anatsuno neither have I in reply to anatsuno ->
- @fthc Phone your mum? Or brave directions from locals. I think I'd prefer asking locals in reply to fthc ->
- It's times like this, when I'm not wearing my glasses and have a plastic bag hat, that I'm glad I learnt to touch type when I was 5 ->
- Means I can have my face right up close to the screen and not have to look at the keyboard. ->
- Still not sure why my mum thought a book on touch typing and a plastic typewriter were a good Crimbo pressie for a 5 year old… ->
- Although, I suppose she got sick of watching me try to lug her metal one about the place and typing so damn slowly ->
- @eruvadhril hehe wouldn't be surprised actually. I'll go to the shop & buy something random & she'll have been meaning to tell me to get it in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @wanderlustlover That would be amazeface in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- Dear twitter, I now know what it would look like to slaughter 5 Klingons in my bath. Love, Rachel ->
- Now to find my glasses and assess the damage to the bathroom ->
- omg at brixton for @xfm winter wonderland. excited out of my mind ->
- @xfmsunta is that you in the sparkly top? if so, it's ace ->
- suspect i'm about ten years older than everyone around me at @xfm ww :/ ->
- @madefromcorpses as it i can elbow teenagers in the ribs at will ->
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