Tweets for 2012-04-14

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Daily Digest for April 15th

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EH4C1282 by BenMorse
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EH4C1544 by BenMorse
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EH4C1605 by BenMorse
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EH4C1980 by BenMorse
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EH4C1984 by BenMorse
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Published (xxx).
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Published Photo.
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Published Photo.
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(via Warren Ellis » instageist 14apr12)

Oh god. I want...
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Warning: Missing argument 2 for Lifestream::get_anchor_html(), called in /home/hdshadow/ on line 66 and defined in /home/hdshadow/ on line 761
Lauren Laverne on the best of British fashion [herdivineshadow]
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psIMGP6492 by faultycamera
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kingscrossapr2012a by ianwyliephoto
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Tweets for 2012-04-13

  • Don't think my auntie understands that it's physically impossible for me to eat 7 fishfingers and enough salad and rice for 2 people :/ ->
  • @emmaprew Stand inappropriately close to them! It'll make them socially uncomfortable enough to move. Admittedly, this is a creepy tactic… in reply to emmaprew ->
  • @SciencePunk I did actually click on an ad on once. It was to enter a competition to win £5K in men's clothes. Link didn't work. :/ in reply to SciencePunk ->
  • Referencing, while useful, is a pain in the neck when having to do it for journal articles you found online ->
  • @kakapojayne Clearly, you're coming to see Frank Turner at Wembley with me….or ARE YOU? :D in reply to kakapojayne ->
  • Trying to hold back from fully embracing the Stewart Lee method of footnoting ->
  • been ages since i've been on the met line. this train is suprisingly nice… ->
  • omg @fthc was awesome! who's up for flashmobbing him with a dance no? #frankturnerwembley ->

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