- @MadeFromCorpses If grades weren't at stake, then yeah, it was always fine explaining science and history to my parents in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Hah at 5am I had another 3 hrs of sleep to look forward to before rolling out of bed for school. Not a morning person in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses The closest I ever got to that was all my Latin homework during registration immediately before the lesson. Every time. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Because obvs, Latin is a dead language and most of the time you can wing it.
in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @TheAndrewGower O_o It's not as exciting as the one that rises out of my local high street at night… in reply to TheAndrewGower ->
- ♥ Death to Death by Stars #lastfm: http://t.co/46l44ms5 amazon: http://t.co/sBBuao63 ->
- Audio: http://t.co/yXYwNyHY ->
- ♥ Impossible Man by The Kill Van Kulls #lastfm: http://t.co/tAURyDSt ->
- @alittlestranger What about Bruuuuuce? in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @ladderax_1 …but carrying boxes is the job of the UPS guy, is it not? Especially when it is boxes he has brought in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 Wait… you're NOT omniscient? OMG. ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT YOU WERE. ;_; in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 You need to start talking to your neighbour about the stuff they get up to with slightly off vegetables behind closed doors. in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- Hearing a clattering noise outside has reminded me that all my neighbours put their bins out last night for collection today. ->
- Which would be great. If the bins hadn't been collected yesterday. ->
- Our bins were collected yesterday when the binmen came, of course. I read the leaflet they attached to the bin two weeks ago. ->
- ♥ Mercy Me by Alkaline Trio #lastfm: http://t.co/Kdomv8x0 amazon: http://t.co/qalU9v7T ->
- @villainny You're the unexpected lovechild of Stark and Fury? in reply to villainny ->
Daily Archives: June 7, 2012
My pinboard bookmarks for June 3rd through June 7th
These are my links for June 3rd through June 7th:
- observe, tiny fish, How Do You Save Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Be… –
tags: thor loki fanmix - observe, tiny fish, how close am i to losing you? (X) thor/loki fanmix… –
tags: thor loki fanmix - Using Real Psychology in Your Writing –
tags: psychology reference research useful writing - I have so many feels –
tags: feels richardarmitage gifs - Superheroes movies like Avengers Assemble should not be scorned | Film | The Guardian –
tags: comics superheroes interesting tomhiddleston mythology
Daily Digest for June 7th
Tweets for 2012-06-05
- @Topomanyare The issue is that it's sex you weren't a participant in, isn't it? in reply to Topomanyare ->
- Ahah. John Barrowman on tv right now. Can't stop giggling ->
- …think I just heard old school planes overhead. I admit, the flypast is the most exciting part of the whole Jubilee thing for me ->
- Mostly because they'll fly over my house on the way back ->
- @TehChrissie Thanks
Possibly most entertaining was my mum's random commentary on this end in reply to TehChrissie ->
- I'm pretty impressed by the guys riding horses and playing musical instruments at the same time ->
- @eoincmacken Just be thankful you don't feel like a ken doll in the sense that Alan Rickman was in Dogma in reply to eoincmacken ->
- Watching the CSI: NY episode where Flack and Stella are racist and disrespectful to a religious space. Excellent. ->
- @DHLinton If you've got bread, philly & branston sandwiches. in reply to DHLinton ->
- …just re-bought a CD I first got in 2003 because I have too many CDs to know what I've done with it. One day, I will reorder them ->
- Today is not that day though. They're currently mostly in chronological order of when I bought them. But I'm missing a rack from 2002/3 ->
- @emmaprew OH GOD I AM EXCITED in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew I'm going to see Stewart Lee on Saturday so there's a bit of excite for that mixed in too
in reply to emmaprew ->