Daily Digest for July 14th

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herdivineshadow: http://twitpic.com/a797t2
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Shared PINK!.
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I bought the wellies and then realised that I had the nail...
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Shared Photo.
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Published Photo.
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Tweets for 2012-07-12

  • *does the got @gaslightanthem tickets for 17th Oct dance* ->
  • @villainny Are you using 3G? Apparently turning that off might help in reply to villainny ->
  • @anatsuno I think the only semi-reliable source is Thor/Avengers fic featuring Loki in reply to anatsuno ->
  • *does the 2nd tax rebate in 2 months dance* this is the one i was actually expecting ->
  • Have been instructed to look out the window at the "handsome young man" smoking outside next door's house ->
  • Innocently asked my mum if she was after a toyboy. Apparently she had him in mind for me. :/ ->
  • Mum: "But he's so blonde." Me: "o_O…………no." ->
  • He's either a painter/decorator from the noises that have been emanating from the other side of the shared walls or… ->
  • …he's the neighbour's girlfriend's son. Who, a little oddly, according to the neighbour is basically me, but not a girl ->
  • Am slightly suspicious that the neighbour is in on my mum's matchmaking schemes. Did tell him he has to set my mum up w/someone first though ->
  • @MadeFromCorpses Don't know, didn't go to look. But he was smoking so I can prob just give an auto-no verdict in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
  • @kipoti LIKE MEEEEE WE ARE TWINS in reply to kipoti ->
  • @kakapojayne No alien chest burster though right? in reply to kakapojayne ->
  • @kakapojayne Still, glad you've not become the vessel for alien spawn in reply to kakapojayne ->
  • @kakapojayne Heh well, on a purely selfish level, it does mean I don't have worry about not being Ripley in reply to kakapojayne ->
  • @nikki Did it have a line about Mr Tickle's magic fingers? in reply to nikki ->
  • Glanced at the uncanny valley entry on wikipedia. Fell into a wiki hole. Send help. ->

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