- So I see hotmail is down. Well. I say down. If you log in elsewhere and then pop into your email it's fine but yes. ->
- @dreaminred Heh you might be the only one then, it's been down for everyone else for about 4 hours now
in reply to dreaminred ->
- @kakapojayne You could do with calling out the Avengers really in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @dreaminred That's probably it. It's kind of weird when stuff like hotmail or gmail go down in reply to dreaminred ->
- @MrKasterborous A friend of mine is going, so I'll be using my ticket now I'm afraid. Good luck with your search though in reply to MrKasterborous ->
- @ashenkey Is it like when you put fake flowers in a bag of sand and shake them a bit to dust them? in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Do you think he ever does any cleaning? in reply to ashenkey ->
- I like that I can report not working street lights and stuff on the local county council website. It's aweeesome ->
- I've just discovered it deals with potholes as well as streetlights. Yesssssssssssssss ->
- @kakapojayne *refrains from Avengers Assemble punnery* in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @Kavey: Edomae set £5.80 bargain of deliciousness! http://t.co/kubZ9oz7m1 ->
- @grrlinterrupted http://t.co/OWc8Wo4wGF ->
- Really, how do you realise this happens? http://t.co/KC9Pke0WOP ->
- @dontdieseanbean Does one of the Teen Wolf cast members havee to take his shirt off every episode too? in reply to dontdieseanbean ->
- RT @valeriecafe: Anyone around Glasgow central station? We're giving away free cake until 6pm (or until we run out whichever is sooner) ->
- @Hedgeypig something to have somebody's eye out? in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- RT @McKelvie: I would watch the fuck out of a Hayley Atwell/Peggy Carter 40s Marvel spy series. ->