- @ashenkey Nooooo. It's not so bad if you've been buying them online (my usual tactic) but auuugh in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey auuugh noooo. I don't get how we have suspension bridges & supertall buildings & yet there's not a better chest scaffolding option in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey We need to resurrect Isambard Kingdom Brunel and PUT HIM TO WORK. in reply to ashenkey ->
- @grrlinterrupted Heheh. This is why I keep a sharp eye on my mums in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Audio: AlunaGeorge – This Is How We Do It (Montell Jordan cover) anniewerner: This IS how we do it. http://t.co/wxFohkexM8 ->
- @drop_of_indigo http://t.co/JEBzIBMEMC ->
- Forever hilarious that I have to make fashion choices for my mum when I only wear jeans & tshirts ->
- She's actually pretty excited that my cousin's kid is coming over for school cos they can go out clothes shopping ->
- Not that we don't go clothes shopping together, but it's usually that she suggests something and I go "no." ->
- RT @Horseyfuture: Taurus: On opening your Kinder egg today, you discover inside a smaller Kinder egg. Within this egg is another egg. http:… ->
- AO3 kudos is forever exciting to me. ->
- RT @bananarahmana: How to Ask Someone About Their Ethnicity Without Being an Asshole http://t.co/Mboy4NfGnq ->
- Last RT relevant to every single annoying person who's asked me & got frustrating, passive agressive, deliberate non-answers in reply ->
- Luckily, I've never gotten to the stage where "what are you?" gets "armed with a rusty spoon" as a response ->
- Am contemplating "Batman" as my answer for next time though. ->
- Which also provides an answer for the usual follow-up question of "no, where are your parents from?" ->
- It's really that I don't like getting asked by people I've just met 'cos it's mostly irrelevant when you have literally just met someone ->
- Well. Unless you're thinking "now, what can I be casually racist about in this person's earshot?" ->
- @nikki that's…pretty much my twitter bio, with added declaration of intent in reply to nikki ->
- @nikki hehe this way no one can say that I didn't warn them in reply to nikki ->
- @PrairieHamster That's it really – it's good to be curious, but for some things there's an appropriate time in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- @PrairieHamster I don't remember that you have – thank you though in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- RT @bigfinish: Just uploaded over an hour of free trailers and previews for Dorian Gray on SoundCloud: https://t.co/b3Sn6nSpJT @DorianGray… ->
- @teh_nos How do the symbionts reproduce anyway? Do they have to been in one of the pools to do it rather than a humanoid? in reply to teh_nos ->
- @magpiewhale …my tumblr will start turning out Pacific Rim stuff in earnest in a couple of weeks I think. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale While I've always queued like a mad thing, it has the bonus of delaying films stuff until more people have been able to see it in reply to magpiewhale ->
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