- RT @TranquilMammoth: "I Hope You Suffer" official music video premiering tomorrow. #AFI #IHopeYouSuffer http://t.co/PD3ziyaxRp ->
- @kakapojayne It tends to be people who've never had to think about that as potentially actually threatening them & have zero empathy :/ in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @piratemoggy Uh, have you tried 8tracks? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @Kavey yeah, I discovered that last night. It's a shame, but I totally understand why they have to do it in reply to Kavey ->
- @piratemoggy I have basically gotten fixated on Pacific Rim fanmixes & 8tracks is enabling my problem on a terrible & awesome level in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @Kavey I hope they don't get too many people sending abuse for not being able to offer a free thing to everyone anymore. :/ in reply to Kavey ->
- Mum: "Funny weather, England. Do I need a jacket or not?" It is currently tipping it down. ->
- RT @mrtonylee: Happy 12th birthday to @vlavla ->
- RT @AFINewsHQ: It's here! Watch the music video for "I Hope You Suffer" now! http://t.co/kvmeIeypNr ->
- The new AFI song is like they knew that I'd get obsessed with Pacific Rim and epic music for smashing creatures with giant robots. ->
- With every album, AFI have pretty much said "hey Rachel, we know your taste in music has shifted so HERE YOU GO." ->
- Like.. in some weird combo of stalking my last.fm profile and reading my mind. ->
- Time to see Pacific Rim again
- @madefromcorpses omg, but it is amaze ->
- @MadeFromCorpses baby-size ear defenders. Babies love giant robots. Yes. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- Pacific Rimmmmmmmmmm. STILL AWESOME ON SECOND VIEWING OMGaskdasjkhdkashdk ->
- Also, having seen the trailer yet again, is anyone actually interested in seeing Lone Ranger? From that alone, it looks really poor. ->
- @AnnLarimer I always picture him as the Angel Islington. So the sweary gifs on tumblr are always like his internal angelic monologue in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @HelenLOHara Is he not just trying to not get confused with Jeffery Dean Morgan and Robert Downey Jr anymore? in reply to HelenLOHara ->
- Not quite enough nail polish somehow http://t.co/Sdwh8JiEUW ->
- @parodyofvirtue I mean, aside from how it's problematic on levels mostly to do with having Depp play a Native American character. in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @parodyofvirtue Like… *is* anyone actually interested in Westerns? Does anyone outside of the US want a remake of Lone Ranger? in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @piratemoggy It's one of those times when the sheer awfulness of the fans have ensured I will never listen to anything they put out in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @AnnLarimer I imagine that the Cybermen might be taken aback at his aggressive tone. in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @piratemoggy yeah, I feel kinda bad that I can't engage with stuff that nice people really love and have enthusiasm for.
in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Hah this is just from my "bag o'polish" I still have a box from uni-times which is mostly still good in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @drop_of_indigo I saw this! With my mum! After about 20mins she was like… "Is that Dr Who?" in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I think I've got 4 different bottles of black polish in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @thisisyourfault @RegalMovies :O!
! in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- Augh. Found my copy of Kid A that my Dad gave me the tenner to buy it for him after he liked that one song and then I "borrowed" it forever ->
- OTOH my copy of Nevermind is still in with all his CDs ->
- @piratemoggy I was unexpectedly pleased by the Supernatual/Scooby Doo crossovers in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @RobertKazinsky They did it to deliberately vex me, like when Space: Above & Beyond got cancelled in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- Kind of want to do the Red Tails/ill Manors emotional rollercoaster double bill again. ->
- I still have no idea why I thought it would be a good pairing when I saw them in my local cinema last year. ->
- Well. Other than that they were on the same day with no overlap. ->
- The 2046/Hero double bill I did with @understood waaay back made sense though. ->
- @piratemoggy Have you seen any recent episodes of Scooby Doo? The characters have started to get emotional growth and stuff. It's…weird. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @RobertKazinsky …even though you can watch all the Star Trek ever on the Trek website for free? in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- @piratemoggy Ikr? It was a bit weird to think "wait, Fred HAS character & a bit of depth, whut?" in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Ahah omg. I am so glad I used Remember the Milk because it's just reminded me about Only God Forgives on Thurs which I thought was on Sat. ->
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