- …dreamt that Tom Hiddleston ate all the biscuits. ->
- @ianloring I think most of the stuff I've read about Lone Ranger has been people talking about the racism/class issues in reply to ianloring ->
- @ianloring …and lots of people going "who actually cares about the Lone Ranger? Anyone? Was there a point to remaking it?" all tumblr tho in reply to ianloring ->
- In other news, got my ticket for Rush
Only have a vague interest in F1, but this looks amazeface ->
- @BBCFreeSpeech I don't understand why Hannah's Dad isn't also calling for those who send her messages to be charged? in reply to BBCFreeSpeech ->
- @drop_of_indigo His presence on any fanmix automatically makes me stop listening. in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @nikki Gosh were very friendly when I picked up something for a friend. in reply to nikki ->
- @nikki That's why Calamity in Harrow & the one in St Albans will never get any money from me. in reply to nikki ->
- @drop_of_indigo I was listening to a really cracking Pacific Rim mix on 8tracks and then BROWNED. augh in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- RT @AudioGO_UK: James McAvoy and Natalie Dormer during the Neverwhere read through! Oh and who's that fella on the right? http://t.co/mB8uw… ->
- @nikki Exactly that. I go into a comics shop. I ask for exactly what I want 'cos I usually don't have time to linger & look for myself in reply to nikki ->
- @drop_of_indigo relevant to yr interests http://t.co/um8GQxj4cM ->
- Hahaomg. @DorianGrayBFP has turned unexpectedly racy providing an interesting counterpoint to the Reformation essay I'm writing ->
- @thisisyourfault I ATE IT FOR SCIENCE #science in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- Basically, everyone needs to listen to @DorianGrayBFP because it is super awesome. ->
- @thisisyourfault It was delicious with a caramel layer under the chocolate
#RachelAteTheMarsRover in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @Hedgeypig @virginmedia That would be ok if there was a video to watch of it instead in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @thisisyourfault OMNOMNOM it was delicious omg #RachelAteTheMarsRover in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @ianloring Hobbit's like.. a million glorious hours long & Man of Steel's over 2 hrs right? in reply to ianloring ->
- RT @ememess: New blog: Taking arms against a sea of assholes: Twenty years ago I wrote a short story called MORE TOMORROW, … http://t.co/… ->
- @samikelsh @DorianGrayBFP Me too! It needs to be Saturday like… now in reply to samikelsh ->
- Now, did I already pre-order the new @AFI album? Cos last time I accidentally did that twice. ->
- Admittedly, I was really really really excited. ->