- @BFI waiting for the programme to arrive in the post but from pouring over the website I've got http://t.co/Ddi8ifRljc #lffshortlist #lff in reply to BFI ->
- RT @coopesdetat: SURPRISE! 36 hours before an election the LNP announces a mandatory, opt-out internet filter. No, really #votepirate #AusV… ->
- @kakapojayne Also, UK-themed underoos in reply to kakapojayne ->
- #Mum: "Can you eat 4 bacon?" ->
- @SFXmagazine Also the story seems to be about a man who stalks & manipulates a woman without her being aware of it. :/ in reply to SFXmagazine ->
- @seitenbach @FilmCritHULK I thought it'd done ok worldwide? I'm sure I read that'd it done better than Batman Begins & the 1st Trek reboot in reply to seitenbach ->
- @Rileah Apart from that one lady Romulan in Nemesis. Possibly. She might have been having a good day. in reply to Rileah ->
- @Hello_Tailor :/ So… 55,000 people want 2 other people to lose their jobs? in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor I might actually watch that one. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- #Mum bought weightwatchers ice lollies thinking they were Magnums. The boxes don't even look alike & now… she won't eat them. ->
- It's going to be unsuspecting friends & relatives that will be eating them I reckon. ->
- Sorry unsuspecting friends & relatives. I don't eat between meals & rarely feel like ice cream for breakfast. ->
- (Breakfast is when I basically eat whatever leftovers or food with fast approaching expiry dates are in the house) ->
- (Pretty much because breakfast is the one meal my mum & I don't eat the same food for) ->
- @anatsuno @timbray Sometimes I suspect that just writing yr password down in an addressbook might be the answer if writing it down wasn't :/ in reply to anatsuno ->
- @Hello_Tailor When Stargate came out, I really wanted to see it but I was little & no one would take me. So I read the novelisation. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor I LOVED IT. And got a poster. It took me like… 7 years before I could actually see the film. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor It perfectly delivered on the "I <3 ancient stuff but I also <3 sci-fi" that I still have today
in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @dreaminred Heh well, I figure if I don't do exercise then I shouldn't eat in the vast quantity that I am able to in reply to dreaminred ->
- @kipoti what about drink tumbls K? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti No, they kill the witch. in reply to kipoti ->
- @snacky Every time someone talks about this film I'm like "what film is this?" AND then I imdb & realise it had a different name here in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky EVERYTIME. But yes, it is awesome
in reply to snacky ->
- RT @BryanFuller: Mads Mikkelsen in a #HANNIBAL Wardrobe Fitting Expresses #FANNIBAL Gratitude with a Floral Crown http://t.co/eFtLlkMMxK ->
- @snacky California Man in reply to snacky ->