- RT @KngHnryVIII: When life gives you lemons:
– Soak lemons for fortnight in alcohol
– Invite sexy ladies for party
– Drinks
– Heirs -> - @MadeFromCorpses or AWESOME in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @dreaminred *hug* in reply to dreaminred ->
- RT @bbcdoctorwho: Surprise! The 50th starts NOW! The Night Of The Doctor on iPlayer in less than an hour. Speak to no one till you've see i… ->
- After looking through my black t-shirt shelf for a long sleeved black t-shirt that…wasn't there, I have discovered… ->
- …that I've basically still got nearly every black t-shirt that I bought since I was 13 & nearly all of them still fit. ->
- Also, I have a Phonogram t-shirt that I didn't realise I had. ->
- In other news, last night I dreamt that I was Chris Hemsworth's Thor but with purple hair. It looked alright. ->
- Doctorrrrrrrrrr
- @Jook I thought people were saying that it was racist in all forms? in reply to Jook ->
- @damianjohnson I've got so many that since I wear them all fairly equally, I've only got 3 that turned grey in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @thelifeof_rose DID YOU SEE THE WHO THINGY OMG in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- RT @smashbrownies: post-hardcore, a level of hardcore so hardcore it's more hardcore than the original hardcore ->
- @Alawston Joanna Lumley kicks a Cyberman in the face in it. in reply to Alawston ->
- In her excitement that I'm baking cupcakes, my mum's forgotten the part where I only bake weird cupcakes ->
- No exploding blue mint cupcakes this time, but so far I'm on mint choc chip and raspberry fudge
- All in halloween cupcake case of course. ->
- RT @empiremagazine: Mr. @JCVDonline has done the splits again – between two moving trucks: http://t.co/f1lJfyawhQ (Make your own van pun) h… ->
- @kakapojayne I am excited mostly because it has the hottest doctor. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @thelifeof_rose OMG in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- mmm the freshness of spearmint chewing gum with the cakeiness of cake ->
- RT @MarieMJS: Snowpiercer is STILL not out outside of Korea and France due to Weinstein being a douche canoe. BUT IT'S OUT IN FRANCE. WHERE… ->
- CAEK http://t.co/T7YgAdbQk0 ->
- @danielguntrip YAY in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @thelifeof_rose IKNOWRIGHT in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- Someone's already furiously writing Brian Cox & the Doctor fic right? ->
- @dreaminred @Silver_gem watching the dr who science thing in reply to dreaminred ->