- @ashenkey *hughug* in reply to ashenkey ->
- RT @Pundamentalism: FUN FACT: Peppa Pig is the only children's character named after their own cooking instructions. ->
- @nikki Shack Shake was in the episode of CSI: NY I watched yesterday
in reply to nikki ->
- RT @musicismyradar: Oh dear Lord. David Attenborough did an AMA on Reddit and in the middle of it this happened. Best. Thing. EVER. http://… ->
- @piratemoggy :O wear a hoodie with a giant hood! if you need to look at screens make sure you have f.lux installed. drink lots of water! in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Mum: "Sooboo, you'll be 30 this year!!! What are you going to do?" Me: "Uhh… nuffin'?" ->
- Yes. My mum calls me "Sooboo" and I still don't really know why. And yes I say "nuffin'" rather than "nothing" ->
- But with 5 months to go, my mum has just realised that I'm about to be 30. Ahahahaha. ->
- @SimonStirrat @MarvelUK @Channel4 Yeah. I'm not going to be waiting for March. in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @danielguntrip "steals your wallet whenever he can" in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @blueofthebay I would have thought that that kind of thing was expected on a weekly basis? in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts This is amazing #nontypical in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- @blueofthebay love interests in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Is Danny the little one or the big one? in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Ohhhh. I had completely blanked and was thinking of someone else. Makes sense now in reply to blueofthebay ->
- RT @ChuckRagan: Enjoy this new song @RollingStone put up! Much respect friends! Plz RT http://t.co/RuCSoAENtF ->
- @RonniPudding thoughts on The Railway Man: http://t.co/LyDIXrUqV7 in reply to RonniPudding ->
- RT @AFI: A ltd. Number of Alan Forbes-designed AFI dolls are now available. Buy one and contribute to a great cause: http://t.co/3HeLMZTcNq ->
- AHHHHHH I already have an Articia. I MUST get an ART or a HEARTBAT to go with them auuugh ->
- HOLY COW. Shipping on that to the UK is $125 more than the 3 figures cost altogether. ->
- In other news, Kings Landing will shortly be a ten minute drive away ->
- @RonniPudding You should! You don't even have to go so far as writing a review & just put star ratings instead. V easy to use. in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @RonniPudding She thought it was alright & that it's good for people to see what went on in reply to RonniPudding ->