- @Hello_Tailor Did they play Slamdunk that one time? With Alkaline Trio? in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor I… think they did. Slamdunk Hatfield, 2010. Sorry in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Jook I didn't even pretend. I openly made a feather-collared jacket for my Pikachu bag in reply to Jook ->
- @therichwalters The real question is: Regular size chocolate buttons or giant chocolate buttons? in reply to therichwalters ->
- RT @PeopleIKnow: "The Worf of Wall Street" – the best thing I've ever made http://t.co/S9MhXYuj8q ->
- @rachelgeorge It is keeping up Atlantis trend of shirtless men and competant women. Even if not enough of them in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @rachelgeorge At least we have Bletchley Circle. in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- AHHHH MY BABY BLACK WIDOW ONESIE IS HERE. I shall look like a giant version of this soon http://t.co/PqD5qzV2ki ->
- RT @laurenlaverne: 'Brian Molko dreams also known to inhibit dexterity' RT @tim_weeks Placebo Sleep Affects Cognitive Functioning. http:… ->
- @therichwalters But are they giant enough? So the relative size remains the same? in reply to therichwalters ->
- @Hedgeypig Hahahahahahahahahahahah omg. A-Babies vs X-Babies is the cutest comic in existence. Also has best practical & warm cosplay outfit in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- RT @piratemoggy: Tumblr saves, mandate kills: teenagers need help, not censorship http://t.co/cfykbeVXUN ->
- OF COURSE I already had the wig. Of course. http://t.co/htxJYBfQg6 ->
- Actual, since I've not explicitly thrown it out, I've probably got a giant supersoaker in the house somewhere HMMM ->
- RT @OliverOgg: I suspect that is going to take a bit of time to fix. You won’t believe why the Victoria Line is currently suspended http:/… ->
- No one will notice if I add water to the wine to make it up to the right amount, right? ->
- When I say "no one", I mean "my mum" because I don't like wine ->
- At least this time I got vegetarian suet that I can use if I need to make halal stew later on ->
- RT @TlfTravelAlerts: We should never have listened to those so-called 'engineers' with their so-called 'science' and 'proven construction t… ->
- @sebpatrick I figured they had an employee of TFL on the team in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @Hello_Tailor That…looks a bit like my local Asda in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- RT @queerly_it_is: really the only thing missing from the grim nightmare dystopia that is britain is the random arrival of ghost ships full… ->