- nearly star trek time! ->
- also collected my delayed train refund & used billions of loyalty points to have free lunch. ->
- i say billions, i'm just usually rubbish at redeeming them so they stack up. ->
- @adjaruli Is that just a badly spelt skinny Steve Rogers? in reply to adjaruli ->
- @JanisThomasMktg @BFI I was there too! in reply to JanisThomasMktg ->
- RT @FrogCroakley: Goodnight kids, and remember that moonlight is just a perpetual nuclear explosion reflected by a vast stone mirror. ->
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Tweets for 2016-09-30
- I am quite enjoying how the Marvel Netflix releases are consistently coinciding with major Christian & Jewish holidays so I can watch them ->
- @eoincmacken Got to admit, I was wondering about this whole GMT/BST business in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @magpiewhale YES, it is AWESOME. Come to the UK and work at my workplace in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale uuuuhhhh well it is a charity that does social care does that count? in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale Heh might not be for you then (although this place has been really great for me!) in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale I do kind of miss eating meat for lunch tho, that's probably the only thing as the office is a milk building in reply to magpiewhale ->