- RT @bbceurovision: Don't miss tomorrow's #EurovisionYouDecide pre-show event! Scott Mills talks to Jon Ola Sand, Alexander Rybak & Nikki Ja… ->
- Today Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams were filming outside my workplace. Unsure why they didn't get me to join in tbh ->
- @grrlinterrupted And then I could have called up you to join us! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @kakapojayne Oh nooooo. Do they not still have the warning on the box? in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @BoredElonMusk: News app that connects to a blood pressure monitor and adjusts your feed accordingly. ->
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Tweets for 2017-01-25
- RT @pyroriffic: Though only mentioned in Tolkien's notes, the Nazgul were often accompanied by their dog, Reggie. https://t.co/Svy4EOuCad ->
- Do I want to see 2015's Eurovision winner in concert? ->
- RT @MicroSFF: "We tracked down the Nazi-punching guy."
"And arrested him?"
"No. He's from the future."
"Punch-a-Nazi safaris will b… -> - RT @NEnsmenger: I discovered in my grad seminar this week that the phrase "Marxist theory" sounds enough like "hey Siri" to trigger everyon… ->
Tweets for 2017-01-25
- RT @pyroriffic: Though only mentioned in Tolkien's notes, the Nazgul were often accompanied by their dog, Reggie. https://t.co/Svy4EOuCad ->
- Do I want to see 2015's Eurovision winner in concert? ->
- RT @MicroSFF: "We tracked down the Nazi-punching guy."
"And arrested him?"
"No. He's from the future."
"Punch-a-Nazi safaris will b… -> - RT @NEnsmenger: I discovered in my grad seminar this week that the phrase "Marxist theory" sounds enough like "hey Siri" to trigger everyon… ->
Tweets for 2017-01-25
- RT @pyroriffic: Though only mentioned in Tolkien's notes, the Nazgul were often accompanied by their dog, Reggie. https://t.co/Svy4EOuCad ->
- Do I want to see 2015's Eurovision winner in concert? ->
- RT @MicroSFF: "We tracked down the Nazi-punching guy."
"And arrested him?"
"No. He's from the future."
"Punch-a-Nazi safaris will b… -> - RT @NEnsmenger: I discovered in my grad seminar this week that the phrase "Marxist theory" sounds enough like "hey Siri" to trigger everyon… ->
Tweets for 2017-01-25
- RT @pyroriffic: Though only mentioned in Tolkien's notes, the Nazgul were often accompanied by their dog, Reggie. https://t.co/Svy4EOuCad ->
- Do I want to see 2015's Eurovision winner in concert? ->
- RT @MicroSFF: "We tracked down the Nazi-punching guy."
"And arrested him?"
"No. He's from the future."
"Punch-a-Nazi safaris will b… -> - RT @NEnsmenger: I discovered in my grad seminar this week that the phrase "Marxist theory" sounds enough like "hey Siri" to trigger everyon… ->
Tweets for 2017-01-24
- @grrlinterrupted yessssssss in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @CrispyWaifu: Did I save this image or did this image save me https://t.co/iVgBSieAuO ->
- @growlery I only know that I managed to go to Hemel when I meant to go to Euston, but that was like… one or two stops the wrong way :/ in reply to growlery ->
Tweets for 2017-01-24
- @grrlinterrupted yessssssss in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @CrispyWaifu: Did I save this image or did this image save me https://t.co/iVgBSieAuO ->
- @growlery I only know that I managed to go to Hemel when I meant to go to Euston, but that was like… one or two stops the wrong way :/ in reply to growlery ->
Tweets for 2017-01-23
- @adjaruli I pointed out to our houseguest this morning that breathing in free radicals is bad for u too, so what's a few roasties? in reply to adjaruli ->
- My manager is incredulous that my haircut would have been £50, had I not gotten a 50% discount. ->
- I'm not even sure about spending £25 on a haircut, but at least I got like two-thirds of my hair cut off to make it feel worth it in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @feedly are existing users restricted to 100 feeds? does this mean I can't add more? ->
- what if i just….switched to a non-web-based rss reader? ->
- RT @CountVonCount: One thousand one hundred! Ah ah ah! ->
- @feedly awesome. thank you! in reply to feedly ->
- @alistairjsutton it looks like a new paid account system has been introduced – the free basic one allows for 100 feeds for new users in reply to alistairjsutton ->
- @alistairjsutton hehe well you also know my phone is 12 years old and doesn't have apps right?
in reply to alistairjsutton ->
- RT @budgie: Once again, a PLEA to include #poll hashtag if you do a poll. Anyone using client for Twitter (T’bot/Echofon etc) doesn’t know… ->
- RT @andgoseek: I already know the answer to this, but settle a bet. What spoon do you eat a yoghurt with? ->
- RT @CountVonCount: One thousand one hundred one! ->
Tweets for 2017-01-22
- there's wine pocky ->
- @markus_buhmann @ChrisHewitt @CurleyWurley888 In one of the novels, that Constantine has a dream where he is Keanustine in reply to markus_buhmann ->
- RT @girlonthenet: It's taken me 32 years to realise that the bat signal is a remarkably inefficient communication device given that Batman… ->
Tweets for 2017-01-22
- there's wine pocky ->
- @markus_buhmann @ChrisHewitt @CurleyWurley888 In one of the novels, that Constantine has a dream where he is Keanustine in reply to markus_buhmann ->
- RT @girlonthenet: It's taken me 32 years to realise that the bat signal is a remarkably inefficient communication device given that Batman… ->