Tweets for 2017-06-18

  • RT @haarleyquin: if male superheroes had their suits designed the same way as female superheroes this is what the batsuit would look like h… ->
  • @syn See also: Our lack of preparedness for a bit of snow in reply to syn ->
  • @syn My Mum got herself a Dyson heater that I steal in summer for the cool function. That + wet paper towel on neck = AMAZE in reply to syn ->
  • Thoorrrrrr ->
  • Watching Thor: The Dark World and remembering that I've never been to a psychatric ward that looks like the one Selvig is in ->
  • Why yes, yes I am watching the latest Chris Evans CBeebies bedtime story ->
  • RT @TeaAndCopy: One for sorrow
    Two for joy
    Three for a girl
    Four for a boy
    Five for silver
    Six to speak to customer services
    Seven to hear… ->

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