Tweets for 2017-07-30

  • RT @SarahLerner: Male writer: I want women & girls to push back & tell men no!

    Women: *tells him no*

    Male writer: NO NOT LIKE THAT https:… ->

  • RT @DJFuller1991: Dad just asked if Egyptians who spoke both Greek and Coptic were called Helle-Copters and now I don't feel too well ->
  • RT @mholt6: Hint: none of these cables are the plumbing of the Internet ->
  • @adjaruli maybe he needs a fire extinguisher tho in reply to adjaruli ->

    Of that day when we argued,
    my memory is VIVID:
    I, for one, remained CIVIL
    but y… ->

  • RT @AMagicWriter: RT if you find Batman ->
  • I might actually have to go look in my room to see if I have a DVD rather than search my email accounts ->
  • WAIT it is on my wishlist, I haven't got it already awesome ->
  • @sebpatrick I'm pretty glad all these people are just…removing themselves from fandom in reply to sebpatrick ->

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Tweets for 2017-07-30

  • RT @SarahLerner: Male writer: I want women & girls to push back & tell men no!

    Women: *tells him no*

    Male writer: NO NOT LIKE THAT https:… ->

  • RT @DJFuller1991: Dad just asked if Egyptians who spoke both Greek and Coptic were called Helle-Copters and now I don't feel too well ->
  • RT @mholt6: Hint: none of these cables are the plumbing of the Internet ->
  • @adjaruli maybe he needs a fire extinguisher tho in reply to adjaruli ->

    Of that day when we argued,
    my memory is VIVID:
    I, for one, remained CIVIL
    but y… ->

  • RT @AMagicWriter: RT if you find Batman ->
  • I might actually have to go look in my room to see if I have a DVD rather than search my email accounts ->
  • WAIT it is on my wishlist, I haven't got it already awesome ->
  • @sebpatrick I'm pretty glad all these people are just…removing themselves from fandom in reply to sebpatrick ->

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Tweets for 2017-07-23

  • RT @Peter_Lynn: Quit doing this. No one wants video. We all read faster than people talk, it eats up data, and you can’t watch video on the… ->
  • Anyway. What's going on with Loki's eyebrows? ->
  • @Oog I feel like the mandatory BattButt shots from the other Batman films need to come back instead of this in reply to Oog ->
  • RT @SourceDuMal: The minute a man uses the word "females" he automatically looks like this to me ->
  • RT @HelenLOHara: Here for shaved head Karl Urban hulking menacingly in crazy sci-fi pauldrons beside terrifying women.… ->
  • @tambourine I still have some stuff I got when I was a teenager, but my mum now wears half of it in reply to tambourine ->
  • RT @RCWLitAgency: Office Assistant Position Available: engaged, passionate, no experience necessary. Email CVs and cover letter to: info@rc… ->
  • RT @echovirus12: My skull is a punctured football. The thoughts have leaked out, into the wet evening.

    You can still try to kick it aroun… ->

  • RT @HendinArts: Then y u buzz my phone with this at half past midnight, buddy ->

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Tweets for 2017-07-23

  • RT @Peter_Lynn: Quit doing this. No one wants video. We all read faster than people talk, it eats up data, and you can’t watch video on the… ->
  • Anyway. What's going on with Loki's eyebrows? ->
  • @Oog I feel like the mandatory BattButt shots from the other Batman films need to come back instead of this in reply to Oog ->
  • RT @SourceDuMal: The minute a man uses the word "females" he automatically looks like this to me ->
  • RT @HelenLOHara: Here for shaved head Karl Urban hulking menacingly in crazy sci-fi pauldrons beside terrifying women.… ->
  • @tambourine I still have some stuff I got when I was a teenager, but my mum now wears half of it in reply to tambourine ->
  • RT @RCWLitAgency: Office Assistant Position Available: engaged, passionate, no experience necessary. Email CVs and cover letter to: info@rc… ->
  • RT @echovirus12: My skull is a punctured football. The thoughts have leaked out, into the wet evening.

    You can still try to kick it aroun… ->

  • RT @HendinArts: Then y u buzz my phone with this at half past midnight, buddy ->

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Tweets for 2017-07-16

Link to the original site

Tweets for 2017-07-12

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