- @tambourine IKR in reply to tambourine ->
- Symphonic Star Wars at the Royal Albert Hall and of course my mum's fave is the Imperial March. Of course. ->
Monthly Archives: October 2017
Tweets for 2017-10-28
- there is halloween soreen. ->
Tweets for 2017-10-28
- there is halloween soreen. ->
Tweets for 2017-10-28
- there is halloween soreen. ->
Tweets for 2017-10-28
- there is halloween soreen. ->
Tweets for 2017-10-26
- @housetoastonish @HSouthwellFE ^^this in reply to housetoastonish ->
- @Jook I AM SO EXCITED in reply to Jook ->
- RT @NASA: #ICYMI: This morning, @Pontifex spoke with the @Space_Station crew from the Vatican. Watch the event: https://t.co/pTde8A3V7V htt… ->
- Space AND the Pope!!!!!!!!!111111111111!! ->
- Have a film feature space or the Vatican and I am THERE basically. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I am waiting for the day we get a Space Pope in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I have a Star Warsy-Christmasy-Pope Benedict gif somewhere in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies (and yes, I think so? The Nine Billion Names of God one?) in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Yesss! I have read that one
in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- To fix switchable graphics on my laptop so that Second Life would use the AMD one I had to….update the Intel drivers… :/ ->
- RT @TimCosmos: Yet again I find myself zipping across London on the Tube with a rucksack full of meteorites. Life as a cosmochemist is stra… ->
- RT @MedHistoryMan: It's sad and I know it but the long S of C18 print never ceases to amuse my tiny little mind https://t.co/tBm87lsv7E ->
- @HippieGeekGirl …and now I am curious about non-British pronunciations in reply to HippieGeekGirl ->
- RT @AFINewsHQ: DF Signups Are Back, New Merch Bundle – https://t.co/YlgxISaYsX https://t.co/H6iRPUcIYh ->
- @HSouthwellFE yes, yes it is in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
Tweets for 2017-10-25
- RT @OwensDamien: This Halloween I'm going as the bit at the end of a presentation when they ask if anyone has questions and you can hear yo… ->
- For the first time in 14 years, I've created a new Neopet. Winning ->
Tweets for 2017-10-22
- RT @mikefossey: john wick: I need to dispose of a body
bellhop: ok that costs one big gold coin
john wick: and id like a beer as well
bellh… -> - @growlery this does not sound minor written down
I will totes send you stuff if i hear anything in reply to growlery ->
- RT @joeheenan: Want to feel old?
Here's what the kid in Big looks like now https://t.co/2EAQZOcaWn -> - @OllieMogs mine is addicted to turkish period dramas now in reply to OllieMogs ->
- RT @petersm_th: If you've ever wonder what DNA tastes like Richard Preston delivers https://t.co/2EgQwMj7Tq ->
- I mean I realise there have been fireworks let off outside most nightssince Diwali started but these are where I can see them in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I've bought mine already for this year but I'm saving them for 5th Nov. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I even have a metal box to keep them in (…it's a gun cabinet). in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- It is a bit odd to celebrate the thwarted plot to blow up the houses of parliament with….recreational explosives. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @RealGDT: Cover of upcoming Shape of Water book from @insighteditions !! https://t.co/OuNnsrViGp ->
- RT @PeterKGeoghegan: Wow. Missed this. So newswatch who wrote anti-BBC ‘report’ Telegraph puffing today was literally funded by Leave.EU. W… ->
- RT @mumoss: Our family have owned a video recorder since the early 80s. https://t.co/dx8ndOay93 ->
- RT @averycutedog: This is the Kate of Protection. RT if u know what's good for u. Ignore if u don't. https://t.co/CQYGv5rnL4 ->
- @tehsekritnos Doesn't everyone? in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @tehsekritnos Oh. This is awkward in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I don't think I could manage it in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
Tweets for 2017-10-21
- RT @MagicWeather: Warm temps in the Low Lands over the next 5 days. Fog in the High Lands. Strange bells on the water. And somewhere behind… ->
- RT @swear_trek: https://t.co/tgJ0IVdO9q ->
- RT @lottelydia: This piece really resonated – every time someone has said 'women should have spoken out' I've thought 'but who were we supp… ->
- RT @MitchPileggi1: https://t.co/bnrXZ0Fzlv ->
- You might think that if social media websites are monitoring everything I post, they would know not to advertise booze or coffee to me… ->
- RT @Oniropolis: I always get to this part in Lord of the Rings & think, "Gnome, give her the ring for god's sake." https://t.co/xSmPFhhKJi ->
- RT @jyoungwhite: no matter what you're going through, always remember someone on Yahoo Answers was going through the same thing in 2007 ->
- @JamesHunt I was going to suggest double-billing them, but then I remembered the last time I did that for this reason and yeah…no. in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @JamesHunt But then this isn't Red Tails and ill Manors, so…maybe? in reply to herdivineshadow ->
Tweets for 2017-10-19
- RT @craigbased: When do we want it?
A TL arranged by time.
What do we want? ->