- So is this Tarantino Star Trek film the one that explains where Chekov went? ->
- RT @MuseZack: You know we're in the bad timeline because Karl Urban & Olivia Thirlby haven't made 3 more Dredd/Judge Anderson movies. ->
- @Oog what kind of boiler do you have? and is it connected to that pipe? (not really plumbing twitter just interested soz) in reply to Oog ->
- @Oog Is the pipe connected to the radiator then? It could be some sort of overflow/exhaust for excess water in your… https://t.co/olUEtsLgpY in reply to Oog ->
- @Oog Yaaay. I think ours shoots out a vent at the front of the house in reply to Oog ->
- RT @IvoryGazelle: Jesus: *picks up bread* this is my body
Jesus: *picks up wine* this is my blood
Jesus: *picks up eggplant* i think we all… ->
Monthly Archives: December 2017
Tweets for 2017-12-29
- RT @cleolinda: Does no one even remember Strange Days anymore? That last scene is one of my favoritest movie kisses ever. YES GET YOUR HEAD… ->
- @grrlinterrupted you mean like blogging yeah? well I still have my LJ, I have dreamwidth and I use a self-hosted in… https://t.co/6oWRNmSgAA in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @RealSexyCyborg: Just like you folks in the West eat authentic Chinese food, here in China we have authentic Western food- like Coffee C… ->
- RT @NASA: A supermoon is coming! On Jan. 1, the full Moon will be at or near its closest point in its orbit around Earth, making it a super… ->
- RT @luciferaseferin: I wish ‘squick’ hadn’t fallen out of use. I think peoples tendency to call something ‘triggering’ instead of saying it… ->
- RT @penceyz: stop calling teenagers millenials
like the youngest millenials are 23 years old
and the oldest are 40 years old
youre thin… ->
- RT @COLORnMATT: 2017 is ending pretty bad for us. Dexter and Zola went missing December 24th. Had collars/tags w/ our phone numbers on them… ->
Tweets for 2017-12-28
- RT @ememess: Well, that was an interesting environment in which to discover that the child had covertly trained Siri on my phone to refer t… ->
- augh C flats ->
- @tambourine yessss in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2017-12-27
- @OllieMogs I have been trying to think of one and failing but yes this. My shirt collar turned blue from my hair dye dripping in the rain in reply to OllieMogs ->
- Still full of feels about the Star War ->
- RT @PaulMMCooper: Going to make a series of horror movies about a mad geneticist who forces people to fight either a horse-sized duck or 10… ->
- RT @MagicWeather: An extreme deep freeze later this week. Check on pets, elderly neighbors, shut-ins, children, whispering shadows, disembo… ->
- RT @carrieffisher: Nothing is ever really over…just over there. ->
- RT @gabrielenguard: Want to come to our NORMAL church to NORMALLY worship our perfectly NORMAL Christ. https://t.co/4sWC7CwvL8 ->
- RT @mermatriarch: weird how one minute millennials are lazy and useless and the next minute a few 19 year old undergrads from a uni femsoc… ->
- RT @associatesmind: OMG – This 4¶ opinion. So. Much. Shade. https://t.co/BiH2aMbX83 ->
- RT @Film4: Chevalier is a very smart, very funny Greek film about six men on a yacht who decide to compete in a series of tasks to decide o… ->
My pinboard bookmarks for December 21st through December 28th
These are my links for December 21st through December 28th:
- BBC Food – Recipes – Roast duck breast with cherry sauce –
tags: duck recipe recipes cherryjam cherry jam - Roast Duck with Cherry Sauce | Recipes | Delia Online –
tags: recipe recipes duck cherryjam cherry jam - Pan Seared Duck Breasts with Jam-Infused Pan Sauce for Festive Friday! • The Heritage Cook ® –
tags: recipe recipes duck cherryjam cherry jam marmalade - Problems With Kat Von D Tattoo Liner No One Tells You About – A Beautiful Whim – This is the biggest complaint from users. After a month or two of consistent use, the ink no longer flows out of the pen and it appears to have dried up. This is usually not the case, the link is in there. The tip of this pen is not a felt tip, it’s a brush. This brush is amazing and gives you incredible precision but you can’t clean it the way you would a regular make up brush.
tags: makeup eyeliner KatVonD - Second Life Marketplace – [Neurolab Inc.] Fashion / Cyber (MESH & More) by ono Zinner –
tags: secondlife
Tweets for 2017-12-26
- @drop_of_indigo I've never seen it because we're always still eating when it's on… in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- RT @SocialHistoryOx: Well since Jo Johnson has decided to ruin Boxing Day, let’s have a little think about this article in the Times. https… ->
- Best part of my annual christmas selection box is sharing it with my mum ->
- @mstorilau I shall! Although if it's just halal bacon, then probably won't be as useful. Not sure how I feel about… https://t.co/Pjwc71qZIt in reply to mstorilau ->
- RT @Ciara_Knight: I have eaten
the holy infantForgive me
it was so tenderBut also
very mild -> - RT @TLBurkhalter: I’ve learned more about love from watching my dad reluctantly rearrange the living room so my mom can make snow angel boo… ->
Tweets for 2017-12-25
- "midnight" mass done, presents opened, sausage rolls eaten, suspiciously 5-year-old baby jesus put in the crib. yaa… https://t.co/sEQbuZSmKE ->
- Baby Jesus there, actually the same age as my Mum in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @JimForonda: KIRBY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE https://t.co/NPBu75KPoi ->
- @cantinera @rach_eva turkish delight actually from turkey = mostly good, fry's turkish delight = an abomination in reply to cantinera ->
- My cousins said they might come over for Christmas next year & asked what we were having today. We have turkey and… https://t.co/OJUThrVHtD ->
- RT @Steampunk_T: "A fully operational gingerbread DeathStar" https://t.co/uMZ1rPiuha ->
- RT @MerriamWebster: The word 'wassail' ultimately comes from the Old Norse toast 'ves heill,' or "be in good health." https://t.co/kGejVo4c… ->
- RT @ZachJCarter: This Christmas, we should reflect on the perversion of Christianity that has taken place over the past 17 centuries, with… ->
- Maybe fake pork has improved since we last did halal Christmas? in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- BBC news keeps talking about the Pope speaking at the Christmas eve Mass but I'm starting to think they are talking… https://t.co/2u4DxGffHF ->
- I went to church twice yesterday…once in the morning cos it was Sunday (4th Sunday of advent – I guess Christmas… https://t.co/jaLhH5JG2E in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- (Not actually at midnight, which is wrong strictly speaking) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- https://t.co/ZP1y37Mxjb in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @tambourine Omg I need to finish reading all my still open tabs from last year in reply to tambourine ->
- @mstorilau We can only try I guess. in reply to mstorilau ->
- Couldn't talk about Last Jedi at Christmas dinner cos my priest hasn't seen it yet #unexpected ->
- @AnnLarimer Is it because Sweden? in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- RT @pwnallthethings: Dear Santa,
I am writing to invoke my right to be removed from the naughty list, as per Article 17(1) of the EU GDPR… ->
Tweets for 2017-12-24
- @tehsekritnos ask the Pope ->
- @tehsekritnos ask his swiss guard in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @tehsekritnos they got english tho in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- RT @jrauser: My son's a little worried that Santa may skip our house because he was sometimes bad this year. I explained that Santa uses a… ->
- Yes yes I am following the Santa tracker, why do you ask? ->
- @tehsekritnos google in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @tehsekritnos magic sorcery in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- RT @philsadelphia: carrie fisher hangin out in trash cans to brighten your day https://t.co/6zxRkNlNPp ->
Tweets for 2017-12-23
- On tv, Ina Garten just asked why every recipe started with butter… ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Broccoli, cheese, chocolate selection box, um….doughnuts? in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @SofieHagen: I will pass onto you what my therapist said to me – and what she says to everyone before going away for Christmas, “Do not… ->
- RT @Robwilliams71: Merry Christmas kids. https://t.co/UAVsaKg4aM ->
- @cleolinda Not quite the same, however in Malaysia the job of King gets passed around the different state rulers, it has always baffled me in reply to cleolinda ->
- RT @bigfinish: Starring @RCArmitage and @lucybriggsowen, the Martian Invasion of Earth based on #HGWells' classic novel arrives February 20… ->
- @sebpatrick We only found out the names of the neighbours in the next but one house when they moved. After 30 years. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @_writehanded_:
https://t.co/Qc3r3f91KY ->
- I require this in the very near future. https://t.co/zAuvOwAoEo ->
- RT @JamesMartinSJ: Sometimes it's awfully hard to tell @LifeSite and @Church_Militant from @TheOnion. (Btw, the tree stands before one of… ->
- So there's that tree on the right there, in front of St Peter's (which might have a few Christian symbols on it) an… https://t.co/ISJyXrTrle ->
- In related news, will never get over the Swiss Guards' uniform https://t.co/sVTnmU3QHb ->
- @syn I feel like the bits I disliked the most seemed to be the Joss Whedony bits, but who knows if he was most resp… https://t.co/ympdQ16vGA in reply to syn ->
- @ErisLovesMovies amazing in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @atlasobscura: In 1964, a team of more than 100 people built a miniature model of all of New York City. The model, currently on display… ->
- @grrlinterrupted I should get on that in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @eruvadhril @cleolinda same in reply to eruvadhril ->
- RT @cleolinda: cosigned https://t.co/28Sqm7u5LC ->
- RT @krfabian: my nam is ed
and wen it soon
turn into may
and then to juntho serch and tweet
are not the saym
i make mistakei tweet m… ->
- @nikki Is this the least work Christmas menu? in reply to nikki ->
- RT @dorsalstream: Teach a man to fish, and he will devise stories of a whale god, obsession, loss, madness. ->
Tweets for 2017-12-22
- I want a black passport. https://t.co/qQ1Aw0YyaZ ->
- @ErisLovesMovies …I was not aware that you worked for the postal service and had to deliver your own present. grr in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- WHO EVEN WANTS THIS RT @empiremagazine Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek has a writer: https://t.co/3BGEIOMaCQ https://t.co/fvDSgDfwVW in reply to empiremagazine ->
- So Doctor Who and Eastenders are in the same universe, and Mary Poppins is a timelord SO where is the fic of Mary P… https://t.co/wgWrNfRrGH ->
- @RonniPudding i thought about popping in after work and then though "naah" in reply to RonniPudding ->
- RT @ProfBrianCox: We could all agree to turn our passports blue by running towards them, thus saving a lot of hassle. Assuming the waveleng… ->
- @RonniPudding Haha that is exactly the time I finished work in reply to RonniPudding ->