- I may still be sick in bed but this and some penguin stickers just arrived and like I've eaten rice every day so fa… https://t.co/94PmZF9vQI ->
- Literally the only time I had rice for more meals, I was on a tour of actual China, living life, along with a bunch… https://t.co/T8YzXC47LM in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @ashversus: The ballpit has unfortunately also been banned due to AI misidentifying it as a seething mass of testicles. https://t.co/nfB… ->
- RT @AndrewNadeau0: MARY: Well, I just had a baby… in a barn. So, thanks to everyone who brought gifts. The gold, the perfumes. All things b… ->
- I am done with having a cold I would like to return it ->
- @HSouthwellFE <3 in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @grrlinterrupted <3 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Anyway I am a great daughter and I have bought my mum a pizza ->
- @RockLordsRock ham and mushroom and pineapple in reply to RockLordsRock ->
- @RockLordsRock the idea of egg on pizza is great but I am weird about eggs in reply to RockLordsRock ->
- @RockLordsRock what are your thoughts on dessert pizza with a creme egg on? in reply to RockLordsRock ->
- @RockLordsRock nutella is good on pizza. and marshmallows in reply to RockLordsRock ->