- How is it that I’m more tired than the years when I packed in 6 more films plus 3 gigs and Mass at not-my-usual-times? ->
- @BFI
in reply to BFI ->
- RT @lowkeynerdyy: me choosing my outfit everyday https://t.co/sNUC0QlzSg ->
- @jpalmiotti I don’t drink coffee or alcohol, which also rules out eating tiramisu. Also no to olives. I won’t eat o… https://t.co/Bd531POyOU in reply to jpalmiotti ->
- @JamesHunt I really enjoyed Abominable, I should take my mum to see it in reply to JamesHunt ->
- WHY DO PEOPLE WITH STINKING COLDS GO TO CHURCH???? Like, friends, you can stay home, the rules say so ->
- @adjaruli It’s probably something like stultiosexual but it’s also been a long time since I did Latin in reply to adjaruli ->
- RT @misszing: Can’t a girl grow her leg hair in peace https://t.co/bK9hF6JqKF ->
- RT @SketchesbyBoze: saying you were a c-section baby:
• boring
• conversation-killersaying “I was from my mother’s womb untimely ripp’dâ€â€¦ ->
- RT @SeanSchofer: Miniature Donkeys escaped out of the fence and are heading to town and I’m pretty sure the damn cat orchestrated the entir… ->
- @JamesHunt I left that film really craving pork buns in reply to JamesHunt ->