Tweets for 2019-11-11

  • I am done with coughing, I want to return it ->
  • @adjaruli I was going to ask if it was the south harrow one with the excellent rotisserie and then i remembered you are not on the meat in reply to adjaruli ->
  • RT @klayfoam: i do not want to hear about what a good writer lovecraft is when half of his descriptions of scary things is “it was so scary… ->
  • LRT so it turns out that I am Lovecraft’s biggest fear and maybe that’s why his stuff isn’t that weird ->
  • RT @ThePCCLondon: In celebration of its 40th Anniversary, #StarTrek : The Motion Picture returns to our screens daily from an original #35m… ->
  • RT @FilmCritHULK: [Is handed a pamphlet] “So You’ve Decided to Start A Patreon…”

    Yes. Yes, I have. I’m a bit nervous about the whole thi… ->


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