- Yesterday I saw the Star War, Mum fell asleep for like 15 mins at the beginning and then has a lot of questions ->
- @PrairieHamster I will say tho, that at least there is enough difference between the actors that she can tell them apart in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- Anyway now she’s watching some billion episode series on Netflix and I am listening to choral Christmas music ->
- @hauntologies option three “a hot mess”
in reply to hauntologies ->
- @teh_nos I got Whamhalla-ed last week at church innit in reply to teh_nos ->
- @magpiewhale Yesssss those of us not going out drinking in the evening were let home early after the work festive l… https://t.co/3uMVjQkIMY in reply to magpiewhale ->
- Since I’ll probably not be seeing any more new films this year, here’s what I saw in the order I liked them – “2019… https://t.co/vQMJhkWBA3 ->
- @letterboxd Did I like Detective Pikachu more than the Star War? Yes. I don’t really go and see films I don’t think… https://t.co/oxAZU1Dctz in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @letterboxd Also, still 5eva lol-ing because it kind of looks like I go to the cinema every 2 weeks but no, I just… https://t.co/UYiomlTdph in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @_Ghost_Blerd: https://t.co/xVfvruyekl https://t.co/PYmZYnC3ee ->
- Still thinking about how Cats seemed to have broken at my local cinema yesterday and the lady in wrong queue in fro… https://t.co/UWecSG0jSN ->
- Ughhh when the people you have Christmas Eve plans with call up and say “can we move it to tomorrow” ->
- @PrairieHamster Well yeah, I’m busy tomorrow with church and choir practice (for Christmas) – I’d normally be at wo… https://t.co/e2W6kv89WO in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- Same people who one year discovered that there’s like no public transport on Christmas Day. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @HSouthwellFE I am here for this powerpoint on so many levels in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- RT @ryanqnorth: Given that those with “Mc” or “Mac” in their names are famously quite particular over which is used, it stands to reason th… ->
- @hauntologies ahhhh I need to read more of the 2017 stuff I bookmarked in reply to hauntologies ->
- RT @sophie_gadd: Always feel sorry for Mrs Cratchit getting that giant turkey from Scrooge at the absolute last minute. Like when are they… ->
Monthly Archives: December 2019
Tweets for 2019-12-19
- RT @MeisterSeraphim: Nobody:
Angels:be not
… ->
- RT @janmuenther: Incident Response Plan https://t.co/mjHoWAf6YE ->
- But why does our neighbour listen to terrible music in the shower at 10pm ->
- Anyway at the work festive shindig we had mince pies, a festive outfit contest and pass the parcel ->
Tweets for 2019-12-16
- So I picked Japan for my trending topics so I don’t understand them most of the time but right now the 2nd one is “… https://t.co/LZqZ1L5HAx ->
- Thinking mostly about how Wolverine is really heavy ->
- @Venneh @adjaruli I second this motion. Maybe a food with potato and vegan cheese and I dunno some spinach curry on the side. in reply to Venneh ->
- @damianjohnson No idea. The Marvel website has him weighing 300lbs which seems heavy for someone not very tall in reply to damianjohnson ->
Tweets for 2019-12-15
- @Andy_Hogan isn’t that good? in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- RT @syn: Tory Toolkit update: I’m working on a landing page to explain the project and link to the recruitment form. I’ll be tweeting it ou… ->
- Anyway today I got unexpectedly Whamhalla-ed at church ->
- @katbrown hard same in reply to katbrown ->
- I have a delicious delicious can of Sarsi ->
- @ErisLovesMovies that jumper tho #KnivesOut in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies ugh yes that one too in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @KieranMSimpson: jesus: a table for 26 please
waiter: are you expecting more people?
jesus: of course not, the 13 of us just want to… ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I don’t even know in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @cottoncandaddy: joseph: what a night
mary: truly magical, and the baby’s perfect
joseph: mhm.
joseph: is it m… ->
- @hauntologies yessss shoes off indoors is the best although I don’t really know the other way, cos I’ve only lived… https://t.co/q3eoS9x3uV in reply to hauntologies ->
- @hauntologies ALSO, I don’t know if your local council does it, but here they do a trade-in your old slippers thing… https://t.co/ix4jxGbCsN in reply to hauntologies ->
- 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2019 – https://t.co/DE0l0BjIqU ->
- @hauntologies how is a cap £100 tho? is it one of the ones with mesh on the back that doesn’t even keep rain out? in reply to hauntologies ->
Tweets for 2019-12-14
- @hauntologies the bagel episode was so so good SO GOOD I keep thinking about bagels and like, I want one in reply to hauntologies ->
- @hauntologies YES THIS in reply to hauntologies ->
- Reminded once again by the Halifax sending me a letter about some account that they are rubbish. I say this because… https://t.co/sYAp4VXiYD ->
- …I withdrew all the money I had there and told them to close the account. Which clearly…they’ve not done and st… https://t.co/35VZFuwl0L in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I mean the main problem I have is my Mum likes to say OH have an ISA or saving account or something here and STARTS… https://t.co/lmNZDgCMvF in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I totally understand how banks and law firms are unable to trace their clients and eventually put the money in to a… https://t.co/xktKsb1dfP in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @michelledeidre: “This proves Space Boston exists.” In defense of all the tweets I’m seeing, I always thought of Corellia as Space Bosto… ->
- @Pinboard In Malaysia you can usually get something called “chicken chop” from western food hawker stalls and it constantly boggles me in reply to Pinboard ->
- RICHARD ARMITAGE IS ON THE TELLY A MISS MARPLE EPISODE which I mean I’ve already seen and it’s not one I particular… https://t.co/rpPvF43Fd8 ->
- Why would Robbie Williams eat a sentient carrot? ->
- RT @KetanJ0: Australia’s government is trying to pass a bill to make the following things exempt from discrimination laws:
- RT @PrairieHamster: He unfolded from his chair and kept unfolding until he stood eleven feet tall, all gangled and impossible jointing. ->
- @damianjohnson Will there be food? in reply to damianjohnson ->
- RT @Pontifex: Faith gives us the ability to look with hope at the events of life, and helps us to accept even defeats and sufferings, in th… ->
- Forever that thing where you were going to look at something but decided to finish what you were doing first and th… https://t.co/S62XJvtfTQ ->
- Wondering about when Poirot says he will keep the hand-knitted gloves from Mrs Japp for best and only wear them at… https://t.co/K9c740AFN3 ->
- RT @scullyxf: gonna tell my kids this is marriage story https://t.co/h1a6dA4HGW ->
- RT @syn: A Tory MP runs an app charging food banks £180 for the privilege of being listed. Let’s do better.
If you’d like to help build a… ->
Tweets for 2019-12-13
- RT @Botanygeek: If you need a laugh*.
Discovered a guy on YouTube that dubs Disney films into Singlish. (Singaporean patois that blends Vi… ->
- @hauntologies i am here for man for uncle 5eva in reply to hauntologies ->
- @canada_bear I have purchased the customary lottery ticket for my mum in reply to canada_bear ->
- @hauntologies I have really been enjoying Gastropod. I feel like I was listening to Spilled Milk before but then too many pods happened in reply to hauntologies ->
Saturday the 14th
It’s not quite time for my end of year film list (since I have at least one new film left to watch this year) but there have been things I’ve been thinking about writing down for probably a month now and just haven’t so here are some of those things.
- I read an article about morning routine stories and how the right kind of morning routine is supposed to be able to make you more productive and how recently they’ve kind of morphed into a kind of self-care space and then went on to talk other ideas developing on from that. My weekday morning routine is to wake at 7am, visit the bathroom, fill my water bottle, put out my cereal bar and make a cup of tea that I then take upstairs and put on the bedside table. Then I get right on back into bed and go to sleep until the radio turns on at 7.30am and I find that past-me has kindly made now-me a cup of tea.
And then like, get ready for work, leave the house, blah blah blah. - Still haven’t gotten the crib down from on top of the wardrobe to set it up downstairs for Christmas. Feels like it will be a lot of effort, although it will be the same amount of effort that it is every year and it’s just me that changes. The last couple of months have been kind of vague-feeling and I’ve been studiously ignoring it and buying tickets for things to look forward to instead. One week left until the days start getting longer again, maybe that will help too.
- The election. Ugh. That’s not helped. I don’t get how people can throw the poor, sick, vulnerable, marginalised etc under the bus and for what? The people I know who’ve voted Conservative are certainly not going to profit from it and just, ugh. So many things. Briefly looked into whether emigrating to Germany or the Netherlands was possible. Considered moving to Scotland. Thought about the religious life again (although that’s a thing I think about on and off and just haven’t ruled out). And being right about what the new government will do doesn’t even have the satisfaction of being able to say “I told you so” because it will be a tragedy. I suppose a Conservative vote is a selfish vote but how does being selfish uplift society? If we don’t help everyone up, even a little bit, then how can we progress and make great new discoveries? I guess I watch too much Star Trek.
- I basically need a TV channel that is Agatha Christie all the time. All the Marples. David Suchet’s Poirot. Tommy and Tuppence. Just that and nothing else.
- I’d probably take a bird table livestream too.
- If the psychiatric hospitals hadn’t been shut down 20-odd years ago, would the mental health of the nation be better now? I don’t know the answer to that, but the resource would be there at least.
- Of course, I can’t remember most of the things I was thinking about writing down for the last month.
Tweets for 2019-12-11
- AND SURE I guess with GDPR and PECR and all, you can’t just go sending follow-up thank you emails and you don’t rea… https://t.co/yfe6nxhNCI in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- …and the people I end up in online training sessions with seem to do a lot of that (but they also don’t seem to d… https://t.co/GuVM6rn1AY in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Anyway.
It baffles me.
(As do the occasional marketing calls and emails we get to do with Christmas appeals, whe… https://t.co/gi1uwzTn1n in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- (Saying that, there is nothing so wholesome and pure as my colleagues, who spotting one of our Hindu colleagues get… https://t.co/7TLmTtgkLR in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @HSouthwellFE I don’t know that this is annoying or rather probably just bad for me but like I take whatever stress… https://t.co/rebmZOUc8I in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @HSouthwellFE (Although I spend lots of time in Second Life anyway because a virtual post-apocalyptic wasteland whe… https://t.co/Urt77ifmM7 in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @hauntologies YES in reply to hauntologies ->
- @HSouthwellFE Ahhh these are exactly my jam but I don’t need more tshirts and yet I need one (I do not need one) in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @HSouthwellFE I read the beginning and then I went to church for some hours and then came back and made a cup of te… https://t.co/YVKVY9cf1r in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- RT @HSouthwellFE: I should probably give this another edit but also it’s gone midnight and it’s incredibly long and no one asked for it
I… ->
- @HSouthwellFE ALSO FASCINATING to see like the whole story laid out like that and then tying it all back to half-re… https://t.co/oG4THEJqcc in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @simaenaga_bot: https://t.co/PUkkbWi1ft ->
Tweets for 2019-12-10
- So like the thing is, I donated online to a charity in return for some e-card to be sent to someone and got my emai… https://t.co/g0vP0BTXWD in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- And like, the other thing is that I work for a (different obvs) charity, and WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT (I do not) and w… https://t.co/H0DJLQaqUf in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- (I mean it has to be impersonal because I imagine someone just has to sit down and churn their way through a bunch… https://t.co/m6soNgnTqi in reply to herdivineshadow ->
Tweets for 2019-12-09
- @HSouthwellFE You have excellent eyebrows happening today in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- RT @GailRenard: Superb thread #writing https://t.co/MZaH5LXtEp ->
- Today at work I was talking about our Christmas tree and how I remembered to turn the lights on yesterday at 5pm, s… https://t.co/PDgXATTd2Q ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Saaaaaaame. Like literal same, I have them and they are great but I just don’t wear makeup regular… https://t.co/V9RHJB9zNL in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @ArfMeasures: Gmail: Someone has signed into your account!
Me: Yeah that was me
Gmail: No it was on another device!
Me: Yes my tablet… ->
- @daniel_barker I mean… I’d eat it. Maybe put some cloves in with the meat? And use pork rather than what looks a… https://t.co/yapgvJJNwY in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @ericaofanderson: Cyclone. – #gif #art #everyday #aftereffects #loop #visuals #animation #vjloop #vj https://t.co/PpwuEgkniD ->
- RT @Wanderlustin: me: i am excited to read this article
website: actually it is a podcast
me: i am excited to never know what has been said… -> - @HSouthwellFE 1. You write many excellent things that I read and enjoy even though I don’t really know who most of… https://t.co/94rYohB01U in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @HSouthwellFE Though I never managed to make it with apples only with pears one time and uuuh mango and white chocolate another time. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- When you donate to a charity online, do you expect a response in the post? #poll ->
- Also, when you donate to a charity online, do you LIKE receiving a response in the post? #poll in reply to herdivineshadow ->