I have a site about some celebrity which literally has no been updated in years, but I leave it up because maybe some of the old information is useful to someone. Anyway, it has a comment form which in big bold letters in multiple places says this isn’t a method to contact that celebrity AND a tickybox to acknowledge the fact before they can send the form and for maybe the 3rd time in 15 years someone has actually used it to ask me a question and not attempt to email the celebrity.

Link to the original site

Also funny moment last night where Dave Hause was talking about this incredible experience he had at the Tower of London and all of us are like “yes Dave, Ceremony of the Keys, Yeoman Warders Club, Beefeaters, 100s and 100s of years old, we are aware” this-is-extremely-normal-reaction.

Maybe BiscuitMan wins funniest moment though.

Link to the original site