Looking at cheeses and wondering where I know the name “Rocamadour” from and now I realise it is obviously Catholicism.
Still trying to figure out how I learnt/was taught to use spreadsheet software, after hearing discussion at work about how “young people don’t learn to use excel at school” and like… another colleague and I couldn’t remember being taught it ourselves because we didn’t really use computers that much at school in lessons.
at least two of my websites have connection issues for like 10 minutes a day which is mysterious but on the other hand, do I care? Nothing is super critical.
Love wondering what’s wrong with wordpress to give a critical error and while you are waiting for the thousands of files from a different installation to download to try and see if copying them over will fix it like someone suggested in the forum, you poke in the database and find that gmt offset has NO VALUE AT ALL and that’s why it’s broken
ALSO having the London orchestra play the theme music live on Sunday was EXCELLENT. I would like more of that.
Anyway, #FormulaE was excellent at the weekend – both the race I attended on Saturday and the one I enjoyed from my sofa on Sunday. I don’t think I would have imagined it being SO omg and tense and devastating and yaaaay and everything at the beginning of the season.
Also, racing at ExCel London is great and sitting in the air-conditioning indoors when it is hot and with a roof over me for when it is raining is the best way of dealing with a British summer.
I’ve done that thing again where I am too warm but then compelled to eat soup noodle
I can tell whenever Switzerland get close to scoring because I can hear my Mum exclaiming “uh oh, uh oh” from the other room
I can hear my Mum on the phone to one of her friends and she is consulting her Euros wallchart to tell them about the games
One of these footballers has my auntie’s surname as his first name and her given name as his surname