i’m a teen distortion

Tired. So very tired.

Graduation was graduation. Estelle Morris was there being an honourary graduate.

Had tasty roast duck salad.

Visited old housemates.

And… some links:
Darkness is fast falling. Its raining like it will not stop. Will the rains wash away the blood? Will tomorrow be a new day. Here’s to lost lifes and broken dreams.

Atlas Gloves is a DIY physical interface for controlling 3D mapping applications like Google Earth.

Sillicone USB bracelet

Originally from her divine shadow on July 11, 2006, 2:07pm

i’ve never known you and i never will

“He always takes the 5.50 pm train to come home from work. He did the same on Tuesday. But he hasn’t come home,” he said.

:/ Reading about the bombings in Mumbai just makes me so sad. Really, I should stop reading and do something else, but gah. I should stop reading and figure out a way to do something constructive about it tomorrow.

In happier news I have comics on order. All thanks to Mr Branson. mmm Spiderman: India

Originally from her divine shadow on July 13, 2006, 2:26pm

the unavoidable kiss

Dreaming about eBay is very strange indeed and minorly disappointed when you wake up knowing that you’re not actually selling the stuff you were dreaming about selling for lots of money.

Vaguely been looking at jobs and stuff. I don’t really know what I want to do. Office minion is all I can come up with for the moment. Ultimately I want to do stuff that helps people.

Hmm. It’d probably be easier to get rid of some of my books on amazon marketplace rather than ebay. One day, I should go through my cds and sell the ones I no longer listen to.

Stuff to do and yet not stuff to do. Time to work on some kind of a list I think.

Originally from her divine shadow on July 17, 2006, 7:58am