
Went over to Harrow to sign up with the temping agency that my Dad’s goddaughter works at. Even though they have a branch in Watford, only 2 miles away.

Did tests. And stuff. Apparently I type at about 66 words per minute.

Tonight… I think we’ll be taking advantage of Orange Wednesdays and going to the cinema. Probably to see the Lakehouse.

Originally from her divine shadow on July 19, 2006, 10:13am


As much as I welcome the change in the weather, there’s just something about hot weather turning into thunderstorms that doesn’t agree with me.

I spent this morning wandering about in a groggy daze (probably not helped by slight dehydration) and am now sitting here with the feeling of static up my nose. Bah.

There was other stuff… but I don’t remember what it was.

Originally from her divine shadow on July 22, 2006, 1:03pm

as i turned the corner, i heard her whisper again

My eyes have felt swimmy since after lunch and I have no idea why. I don’t think it’s my glasses, because I’ve had them for a while and they’ve been fine. Hmm.

Yesterday, I went to Walsingham and then to Cromer to see the sea, the lifeboat, the pier and eat ice cream.

Mmm ice cream.

What else? I should make a list of stuff I should get round to doing.

Originally from her divine shadow on July 30, 2006, 2:09pm