Mash with finely shredded lettuce mixed in it is still great
Mash with finely shredded lettuce mixed in it is still great
Still wondering why there are so many the town centre
I really love looking out at the sea and seeing a windfarm out in the distance. It’s like looking at the future
Oooh maybe I’ll see the aurora better tonight
The only slight downside to having the bird feeder and bird bath outside is that I find myself staring out of the window for minutes at a time., my pal, you do not need a plane to go to Slough from where I am
Still thinking about all the people I saw in Paris last weekend just getting rained on. No hoods, no umbrellas, just rain.
Did I buy Spider-man underwear? Yes. Do I have a “Spider-pants” theme song in my head? Also yes.
I have a section of that new Hozier song stuck on repeat in my brain but I keep thinking about Heaven’s Gate the like… cult and not other varieties of Heaven’s Gate.
Do not bother with the Liverpool Nativity