These are my links for February 18th through February 22nd:
- Life With and Without Animated Ducks: The Future Is Gender Distributed – Charlie’s Diary – Yet it seems silly to get excited about that. It might be cool because the word nanotechnology is involved, but it's not like the camera on the iPhone might be a tiny bit better, am I right? Things culturally associated with women pretty regularly get sniffed at as silly or insignificant or stupid or boring–even if men need clean clothes, too, even if some men somewhere surely do laundry.
tags: gender technology
- [toread] Microspore 03 by deathboy on SoundCloud – Create, record and share your sounds for free – I've written a short piece to accompany Jeff Noon's Microspore 03 – get some freaky techno soundscape down you!
tags: none
- [toread] photo sharing service for twitter – Here is a big list of companies to boycott the crap out of.
tags: none
- Pipopotamus: An Open Letter to Channel 4 – I am writing to you with the hope that you will stop ruining my life. While you're obsession with my ethnicity is flattering, it has become somewhat apparent to me that you might have gotten the wrong end of the stick. This is sort of awkward for me, because I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but your documentary, 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings', is unfortunately a work of fiction. There is no need to be embarrassed, it can happen to the best of us, and thus I hope my letter will help you establish the facts, after all I'm sure you are passionate about fighting discrimination against ethnic minorities. Don't be modest now, we know you are…right?
tags: bigfatgypsywedding channel4 gypsy traveller romany
- The Cornell Ratio: Should SFF Convention Panels Be 50/50 Male and Female? | – The idea seemed simple, with Paul offering to use himself as a “blunt instrument” to address the issue of gender parity; he decided that when he was present on any convention panel this year, if the panel did not have a 50/50 gender split, then he would politely step down and find a woman to take his place.
tags: conventionpanels sciencefiction scifi gender men women genderparity conventions discussion